PCYC is a unique youth organisation operating in partnership with the NSW Police and community throughout NSW with a focus on early intervention to prevent and disrupt crime. It is a collaborative approach with PCYC NSW and industry leaders to achieve positive outcomes for young people and divert them from the criminal justice system.
RISEUP is a strategy developed by the NSW Police Commissioner, connecting disengaged young people to workplace opportunities.
RISEUP incorporates job ready programs, mentoring and vocational training for at risk youth aged between 15 and 18 to build their engagement with education, employment opportunities and the community. Although our primary focus is to return young people into the education system, it is appreciated that there are youth who are less likely to return and would benefit more from assistance to facilitate them into employment. These young people are the key participants of the RISEUP programs, facilitated by the NSW Police Force and PCYC NSW.
The foundations of the initiative focus on early intervention to prevent and disrupt crime. It is a collaborative approach with PCYC NSW and industry leaders to achieve positive outcomes for young people and divert them from the criminal justice system. The establishment of a direct pathway to employment strongly supports the government’s policy to ensure young people are learning, in training or working.
The final stage in RISEUP, is the opportunity for participants to be connected to employment or further opportunities to enhance employment capability. This is the stage which will give /purpose to the entire journey the young person has progressed through, as it provides them with a strong sense of achievement, pride, ownership and the ability to contribute to a team and their community.
Rise Up Referral Form
Fit For Work is a program designed to holistically address a young person’s disengagement from their family, education and employment opportunities, to help reduce and prevent their involvement in anti-social behaviour and/or crime. This will ultimately lead to increased employment opportunities for a cohort that traditionally is reflected in high unemployment statistics. Aimed at youth aged 15-17 years.
Fit for Work

Fit For Life is an early intervention program designed to engage youth ages 10 to 17 who are at risk of poor choices and anti-social behaviour. Through physical fitness, nutrition and social engagement, Fit For Life aims to improve overall wellbeing as well as prevent and divert youth from offending behaviours.
Fit for Life

Fit To Learn is a program designed to re-engage disengaged youth into the education system, allowing them to further develop intellectual and social skills. The program encourages participants to explore their strengths in building respectful relationships within the school environment whilst also developing emotional intelligence skills preparing them for future employment. Aimed at youth aged 14-17 years.
Fit to Learn

Fit Together is a co-designed program developed with each local community to prevent and reduce reoffending, as well as encourage positive relationships between local Police and the Aboriginal community. Fit Together aims to instil confidence, increase self-esteem and help Aboriginal youth reach their full potential. Aimed at youth aged 10-17 years.
Fit Together

Fit For Change is a program tailored to address the core principals of risk, need and responsivity. This intervention program addresses the seven major risk/need factors in order to reduce and prevent re-offending. Aimed at youth aged 12-17 years.
Fit for Change

Fit For Home is a program designed to break the cycle of domestic and family violence, and develop the skills young people need to treat their partners, family and friends with respect. Fit For Home aims to change attitudes and behaviour through trust, respect, acceptance, responsibility and accountability. Aimed at youth aged 12-17 years.
Fit for Home

Fit For Service is a program designed to assist young people with a keen interest in pursuing a career in Policing, defence and/or emergency services. Fit For Service will engage participants with the help of mentors from a number of difference services, as well as providing a pathway into these careers/industries. Aimed at youth aged 15-24 years.
Fit for Service

Fit To Strive is an early intervention program designed to prevent and reduce re-offending, and build good citizens. All activities in the program will aim at decreasing risk factors in an effort to reduce long-term involvement in the criminal justice system. The program will not focus on a specific crime category but address the cause of offending behaviour looking at decision making, values, problem solving and resilience. Aimed at youth aged 8-13 years.