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Stay safe online this International Women’s Day and every day

Stay safe online this International Women’s Day and every day

Everyone has the right to be safe online. During the week of International Women's Day, eSafety Women is highlighting the risks all women face when they are online, during an online webinar on Tuesday, 9 March.

Unfortunately, women and girls are more likely to be targets of online abuse in all its forms.

International research has shown that women and girls are subjected to very high levels of online abuse simply because they are women.

Seven out of 10 Australian girls aged 15 to 19 believe online harassment and bullying is endemic. For these women, receiving unwanted and uninvited sexually explicit content online is now considered common behaviour.

Women also experience abuse that is misogynistic or sexist, and often includes threats of physical or sexual violence.

This eSafety Women webinar is designed to help women empower themselves with online safety knowledge and skills, and find support if needed. This webinar will cover:

  • Introduction from the eSafety Commissioner
  • Test your tech savviness
  • Stay in control of your devices
  • Watch out for red flags
  • Build your psychological armour
  • Understanding cyber abuse
  • Protecting women’s voices online
  • Stay connected and stay safe

Register now to take part in this important discussion.