The NSW government is reviewing the Advocate for Children & Young People Act 2014 and is seeking submissions and survey feedback from children and young people across the state.
The Act established the statutory office of the Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP) and a new Youth Advisory Council to represent the needs and interests of children and young people in NSW.
This review will determine whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act remain appropriate for those objectives.
The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) wants to hear from all different people to make sure the Act reflects what is needed to support children and young people in NSW. Children and young people, and individuals and organisations who work directly with children and young people, are encouraged to provide feedback on the Act.
Have your say especially:
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children and young peoplechildren and young people with a cultural and linguistically diverse background
- children and young people from rural communities
- children and young people with a disability.
PCYC NSW has a long standing interest in the work of the ACYP and will be providing feedback to the NSW government on their review of the ACPY Act 2014.
Members of the PCYC Youth Committee have benefited from training conducted by the ACYP over the years. PCYC NSW has been a partner with ACYP in consulting young people in NSW about their views and concerns these have taken place during our celebration of Indigenous youth at Nations of Origin our annual youth sporting festival.
ACYP discussion paper
The discussion paper provides information about the Advocate for Children and Young People Act and the roles and responsibilities of the Advocate. The paper contains questions about how the Act works.
You can give feedback in a number of ways:
Do the online survey - Do the online survey on the review of the Advocate for Children and Young People Act.
Write it down - email your feedback to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post it to:
Policy, Reform and Legislation
Department of Communities and Justice
Locked Bag 4028, Ashfield, NSW 1800
All feedback will be considered and your comments and suggestions will inform a report on the review which will be tabled in NSW Parliament.